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Wolves 3 on 3 Hockey 2024

Kamloops Wolves 2024 3 on 3 League

Welcome back to 3 on 3 for Spring 2024.   We are pleased to offer our very popular 3 on 3 league to player’s birth years 2019-2006.  League will include 8 games Full Ice with Referee and Score Keeper

Kamloops Wolves Hockey offers the Only Full Ice Non-Stop Action Super Fast, incredibly fun and if you ask parents from previous years. really exiting hockey to watch!  What we do is take a full rink and play a 3 on 3 Game plus goalie.  The rules are designed to have continuous play and the only time we stop is to do a penalty shot or to end a period or game.   This makes for lots of skating with lots of room for that special move you may not have tried before!  We are looking for 4-5 teams of up to 12 players per team including a goalie per division (one goalie per team)

Dates: We will start our schedule Begging of April after spring break and will go to the second week in May.  Games will be played on Monday to Friday plus some Sunday Evenings and will start between 4 pm to 9pm.  Rinks for this year include Valleyview, Brock and possibly Sandman Center and Mac Park both arenas.


Cost $325 includes 3 on 3 Jersey, 8 games with ref and scorekeeper.


Division – we do not restrict players based on age we want to make a balance league so we will try and place each player in a division that makes to most sense based on play level.   There is no contact in any division.

Coaches and Helpers – we welcome parent helpers to help coach, opening gates, score keeping and time clock.   Please indicate if you can help in any way.

How to Register
 – Please contact the Program Director to request at spot.  Please let us know which Division you would like to be placed in.

Ken Ward
Kamloops Wolves Hockey

etransfer to (security answer wolves3on3)

Cheques Please make Cheques payable to Kamloops Wolves Hockey.

mailing address:

PO Box 27090 City View PO Kamloops BC V2E 0B2

Share the Opportunity!  Please feel free to forward registration to others who may be interested.   We are open to Kamloops and Surrounding areas.

If you have questions, please email

Cell 250-319-2926


Ken Ward
Kamloops Wolves Hockey Program
Program Director

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